Posted tagged ‘total recall’

Total Recall of the Expendables Legacy (A Preview of August 2012 films)

July 30, 2012

Get ready for an action-packed month in the big screen!

August 3

Total Recall starring Colin Ferrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston, and Bill Nigh is appearing in theaters this Friday. The film follows Colin Ferrell as he goes into a company labeled REKALL where they implant their clients with false memories of a life they would have wanted to have, from spending the night with a supermodel to being a top executive in your own made up company (and guess which one Ferrell picks, I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the supermodel or the top executive) that’s right, what better memory to implant in your head than one of a spy, unfortunately (and coincidentally) he was already a spy who has had his memories erased and he’s trying to figure out who he was and what is happening, his life begins to spiral out of control (all of a sudden that super model memory is looking more and more appealing) and his wife tries to kill him (talk about a messy divorce). Now he’s on the run from the law which is controlled by Bryan Cranston and he teams up with resistance fighters to take him down.(I probably should have included some spoiler alert, but I guess it’s too late). The whole premise of a highly trained agent who has forgotten who he is and is on the run reminds me of something, but what is it………..

August 10

Now I know what you’re thinking, “oh no, a prequel to the Bourne trilogy, but matt Damon is being replaced by Jeremy Renner”. Well to start, you couldn’t be any more wrong (unless of course that’s not what you were thinking, then ignore that part). This film which stars Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, and Edward Norton (and Matt Damon… spirit) is a new story with a new character. That’s right; if you’ve been following the Bourne trilogy then you know that Jason Bourne wasn’t the only highly trained assassin. Jeremy Renner is (according to 90 % of film synopsis I have read, which means two) is “a new hero whose life and death stakes have been triggered by the previous Bourne films” in Bourne Legacy.

Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis ( I misspelled his name a bunch of times before I got it right, on the bright side at least I spelled his last name right the first time) go at in a campaign that makes fun  of today’s campaign. In The Campaign, Will Ferrell tries to run for an election but Zach Galifianakis (spelled his name right that time) is running against him. In a series of back and forth between the two candidates, things begin to get more and more serious as each one tries to beat the other. (seems almost like the real thing).

August 17

If you have seen the first Expendables film, then you know that it compiled a large cast of famous actors from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Sylvester Stallone, and the second is no exception with an even larger cast in its sequel, The Expendables 2. This time things become personal for Stallone’s group when their sent on a mission by Willis. Sure enough things go from bad to worse (who didn’t see that coming) and one of the expendables get killed. Now Stallone and his crew are going to go after Willis in what will seem to be a movie full of no hold barred, nonstop adrenaline rushing action (and a lot of arthritis medication).

August 24

Joseph Gordon Levitt stars in Premium Rush, where he plays a person who delivers packages around New York on his bike. Everything seems to be going fine until his last package of the day, a package that will send him on the run from police and put his life in danger. Destined to deliver the package by all means (talk about true customer service), he will ride that bike hard and avoid the cops at all costs, (did I mention he’s going to be doing all these neat bike tricks…cause he is). The film also stars Michael Shannon playing the crooked cop, and Jamie Chung. (And also the city of New York if it counts, this has to be like the thousandth film it’s come out in).

August 29

Lawless is a film based on a true story starring Shia Lebouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain, and Guy Peirce. It follows the story of three brothers during the prohibition era in Virginia. That’s right, you guessed it, three brothers are in the bootlegging business and the law wants a cut. Not to mention the competition that’s trying to drive them out of business. (To alcohol, the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems)

Written by Juan Lopez