Posted tagged ‘show white’

Snow White, Lincoln, G.I. Joe rock the month (A June 2012 film preview)

May 27, 2012

  It seems that this month would be filled with rock n roll, historic figures, vampire hunters and even a dark side of a good old childhood favorite tell. Too bad it will be buzz-killed by an Adam Sandler film.

June 1

The childhood favorite Disney tell of Snow White will return to the big screen, this time, it’s going to be twisted around in Snow White and the Hunstman. This version focuses more on the hunstman as he becomes Snow White’s protector again the awful awful evil witch.

Doesn’t Battlefield America sound like the next awesome war film? Well too bad, it’s not. It’s just another crummy dance competition film. Dancers should stay on the floor and not the movie screen.

June 8

The Madagascar series’ third part will be out this date and it will be called, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. Call me lame, but I do not know much about this trilogy. All I know is from watch the trailers on tv is that an animal has Chris Rock’s hilarious voice and that’s all I need for this one.

Ridley Scott‘s next epic is Prometheus. The film’s star are young Magneto himself, Michael Fassbender and Ms. Aeon Flux, Charlize Theron. The film seems to be about fighting to save the human race something something. All of this happened while a team of folks were trying to figure out the origins of mankind. Aliens?!

June 15

Tom Cruise plays fictional rock n roll star, Stacee Jaxx in the new broadway musical based film, Rock of Ages. The film has an ensemble of Bryan Cranston, Julianne Hough, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Alec Baldwin, Russell Brand and Paul Giamatti. It’s all about a small town girl and a city boy in this one!

The awful Adam Sandler kills the mood by releasing another cheap comedy film called, That’s My Boy. For this crab job, he will be joined by Saturday Night Live and The Lonely Island star Andy Samberg.

June 22

Disney’s Pixar adds installment into its classic production hoping that this one will also be a classic. Brave is about a princess who has to rely on her bravery and stuff to undo a god awful curse.

What happens when vampires are trying to take over the United States and you’re the president of the U.S. of A?! Well, if you’re Abraham Lincoln and you’re the president of you’re time you take matters into your own hands! At least, that what I think Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter happens to be about. I’m sure I’m right.

Steve Carrell and Keira Knightley co-star in Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. Joining them are Adam Brody, Patton Oswalt, Gillian Jacobs, Rob Corddry and more! What ill you do when you realize that an asteroid will hit Earth very soon? Would you…run from your spouse in panic??

June 29

I can think of any straight man that can care for this next film called, Magic Mike. Channing Tatum plays a male stripper who teaches a young male stripper the Magic Mike ways. The film also stars Alex Pettyfer and Matthew McConaughey.