Posted tagged ‘emma watson’

The Perks of Being Resident Evil (A preview of September 2012 films)

August 31, 2012

Summer blockbuster season is officially over as we get ready for pre-Oscar season. The last three Best Pictures, The ArtistThe King’s Speech, and The Hurt Locker were first introduced during the fall in their respective years. This means that paying attention to upcoming movies that aren’t going to be released nationwide should be pretty interesting.

September 7

Bradley Cooper kicks off the month with a new drama called The Words.Cooper plays writer who stoled work from another writer and is now paying the price. This can be a horror movie to all bloggers! Joining Cooper will be always working Dennis Quaid, and the lovelies Olivia Wilde and Zoe Saldana.

The Cold Light of Day will be finally released in the U.S. in limited theatres after taking a european tour. The film will star future Superman Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver. The film is a saving-the-kidnapped-taken-style kind of movie. Except Cavill’s trying to save his whole family this time.

The next film in limited theaters only is The Details

September 14

Probably the most anticipated film of the month is Resident Evil: Retribution. 

After being in Kuwait for last few months, Stolen comes to the U.S. The film stars Nicolas Cage as, you guessed it, he tries to save the kidnapped. Not much else to say about that really.

The lovely Emma Watson stars in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. The film happens to be about a very shy  freshman who starts hanging out with two seniors and is now all better in life. To be fair, this freshman is cool because of Emma.

September 21

Mommy and daughter move next door to a parents murderer. That’s what House at the End of the Street will be about. Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Shue star in this one.

Dredd 3D is a terminator-like film. This time, it’s a cop terminator. The film has no name stars.

Conservative man Clint Eastwood goes from talkin to a chair to dramatic film in Trouble with the Curve.  He will star alongside Amy Adams, Justin Timberlake and John Goodman. Clint plays a a baseball scout who takes his daughter for one last scouting trip. There’s a tagline that goes with the movie: Whatever life throws at you.

September 28

The crappy “comedy” team of Adam Sandler, Kevin James and Andy Samberg have another dirty treat for the kids in, Hotel Transylvania. The film is an animated film about vampires or something.


Mothers risking everything to help kids from a crap school. Won’t Back Down.


And finally, Joseph Gorden-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt and Jeff Daniels star in Looper.