Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Farewell to Edna

April 6, 2014

Int.Day.Simpson House.

A nice sunny spring morning. Alarm clock goes off at 7:00 a.m. as Homer wakes up and checks his wrist watch to make sure the clock is correct then he checks the date showing Apr. 15. 2014.



Homer checks to see if Marge is still sleeping but doesn’t see her. Homer ignores it and with a smile Homer starts getting dressed.

Cut to:


Homer with a big smile sees Marge cooking breakfast and Lisa and Bart waiting for their breakfast at the table.

(rubbing Lisa’s head)
Gooood morning family. Lisa my sweet little nerd, love you sweety.

Lisa expressed a confused look.

Bartman! You-

Homer attempts to rub Bart’s head but the spikey hair hurts Homer’s hand.

Ow! Why you li-(remembering he’s in a good mood). I mean my sweet little porcupine son. How are those F’s coming along? Getting them style right?!

Homer laughs then walks toward Marge.

My Margerine, my beau-(sees Marge is not looking her best). My Margie..


Maggie who is sitting on her high chair next to Homer pulls on Homer’s shirt to grab his attention.

Aww and how can I forget Maggie. Maybe it’s just because who doesn’t talk.

Homer laughs and sits waiting for his pancakes. The rest of the family look at Homer with a worried look.

Why is everyone looking so worried for? Pancakes got burned? (laughs) It’s okay, I’ll still eat them.

Homer laughs again but the family still give Homer a worried look. Lisa looks at Bart then at Marge to see if they’ll say anything and realize that they won’t.

Ugghh, fiiine. I’ll just ask it. Did you forget it’s Saturday morning?

Yeah, usually what you do on Saturdays is wake up at noon to yell at one of us for 30 minutes about how it’s Saturday morning and you should use this time to sleep as much as you want and then you go back to sleep for 5 more hours!

(elbowing Bart and laughs)
Ooooh women…right Bart?

They’re right, Homer. When you do finally decide to get up, you take over the tv and watch a marathon of your lameass cop shows.

Bart! I don’t care much about you using that kind of language but never use that language to describe my favorite form of amateur camera recording tv show things!


Wait a minute…is today that Annual Hot Dog Festival you drag us to every year.

Mmmmm hot dogs.

Homer drooling

Homer starts drooling.

No! Those are every Spring!


Yes, saxomophone lady?

We ARE on Spring.

A shocked Homer looks at his watch to look at the date then take a minute to count.

Well, we have something to do next week guys.

The entire family moans in displeasure.

Seriously guys, today is the date.

What you’re gonna sign up for the gym fatso?


You’re gonna take me to the library?!


You’re taking me to Rancho Relaxo?!


Entire family looks at Maggie. Maggie sucks on pascifier.

Anyway today is the I’ll watch the new Captain USA movie! You guys have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.

But dad I thought you hated comic books.

Oh Lisa, Captain USA is a movie not a comic book.

Can I tag along dad?

It’s a date..

Ned Flanders walks by the Simpsons’ kitchen. Marge sees Ned.


Oh hey Ned..

Hey there Marge…Simpsons. Such a nice morning, mmm nice morning to work on some good ol house duuuties.

Homer sees Ned carrying a bucket of paint.

Hey Flanders…watcha gonna do…paint?!

Homer and Bart laugh.

Oh that’s right neighboreeno. I have to repaint the old chimney. Edna pointed out on how the old texture of the house makes her feel like we’re living in some kind of…get this…church.

Ned makes a disgusted noise.

And what’s wrong with that?

Knowing Edna’s uhh…mannerism are not quiet like mine and I don’t think it’s right to impose my beliefs on her.

That’s very thoughtful, Ned.

(looking straight at Lisa)

Yeah seeing how many non-believers are always complaining of how we impose our salvations on them.

As a Buddhist, I’m not going to comment on that with a counter-arguing.

Lisa, what did I tell about those chatrooms?!

Lisa rolls her eyes.

Except for one thing.

What is it?

At this age of mine, doing this all by myself will take a toll on me. Maybe even take years out of my age.

Oohh, well maybe we have a man in the house that will be glad to help.

Well Bart…looks like you won’t be able to make it to the movie today I’m sorry about your lose.

She was talking about you dingus!

Homer will be very glad to help you.

Ohohokoloy-dokoly! I’ll see you in jiffy Homer. Yous guys have a nice day.

Ned walks away slowly. Lisa and Bart walk out of the kitchen.

You volunteered me to help Flanders?! You know how I feel about that.

Shhh, knowing his speed he may not be too far enough and he might hear us.

Ned stops as he hears Homer and Marge. Homer and Marge freeze as they try to wait to hear Flanders continue walking. Ned continues walking.

I told you already I was going to watch the new Captain USA movie!

Oh for crying outloud, you don’t even know who he is!


Yes I do! I happen to be a fan, especially when he fights that octopus robot guy!

That’s Tarantula Man!

The one where he fights that clown guy!

That’s Owlman! Look Homer, just help Flanders real quick and then I’ll go watch the movie with you tonight.

But I was going with Bart!

Fiine, go with Bart then!

Ohhh Bart…

Bart walks in.

Not now!

Bart walks back out.

Oooh fiine. But if Flanders starts talking about his kids I am so out of there.

Besides you can go some other day. Why didn’t you go yesterday?

I was working, Marge..


Maybe you should’ve gone after work instead of going at Moe’s.

How did you know that?!

Marge remeniscing of yesterday Homer coming home drunk.


Lucky guess..

Cut to:


Bart waiting on his bed.

Milhouse rushes toward Bart’s room and takes multiple long breathes.

Took you long enough.

I ran…as fast….as…I could..


Well that was-


Milhouse, we have to watch the new Captain USA movie. How much money do you have on you?

Nothing Bart you know I always have nothing.

Milhouse I was expecting you to have some since I bought you some Krusty Burgers yesterday.

No you didn’t you only said that and ended up eating both of them!

Lisa slowly walks in Bart’s room.

Do I hear a certain brother needs some quick cash?

Lisa gives an evil laugh. Lisa then pulls out cash.

Lees, where did you get this?!

I get them off tips from play the saxophone all around Springfield Bart.

And you’re giving us some money?

Not necessarily give Bart… you can just pay me later.

Bart staring at the cash trying to snatch it from Lisa’s hands.

Oh fiine.

Lisa gives Bart the cash and Bart rushes out.

Damn it, Bart wait. Oh and Lees, I can pay you back in any way you want…anyway..

Milhouse raises eyebrows.

Cash will be fine.


Milhouse chases after Bart. Lisa gives evil laugh.

Cut to:

Ext.Day.Flander’s House.

Homer rings doorbell. Edna answers.

Oh hey Homer, Ned tells me you’re here to help him paint.

No I came to read him the bible.

Homer laughs then sees Edna not laughing so he stops laughing.

Come in Mr. Simpson, Ned will be ready in a bit.

Homer walks in.

So how long do you think this is gonna take?

Knowing Ned, it’ll probably take all day. Ned is a hard worker which is why I appreciate about him. He’s given me a new outlook on life.

Edna begins ranting on how she has a new positive outlook but all Homer is thinking about is a spoof of Captain USA and Cops. Ned walks in.


Augh! Oh it’s just you Flanders.

You ready to help out…best friend.


Ned walks out his house.

Where are you going, I thought we were paiting the chimney?

We are…we’re painting the top part.


cut to:


Homer and Ned working hard painting the roof.

Can I go now?







Edna arrives at the roof with hot dogs and lemonade.

Hot dogs and lemonade, fellas?


Homer grabs both hot dogs.

Hey one of them is mine.

Ned tries to snatch it from Homer’s hand but Homer doesn’t give it up.

Both hot dogs slip from Homer’s hand and falls to the ground.

Augh! Five second rule.


Homer bends down and in slow motion reaches to pick up one of the hot dogs.

Ugh, guess I’ll just make some more.

Edna starts walking away but steps on the other hot dogs and slips and falls from the roof and hits her head on a rock.

Ned looks over to see Edna lying flat on the floor.

Homer picks up the hot dog.

(sigh of relief)
Got it.

Homer looks at Ned and sees him crying.

Uh oh.

fade out.

fade in’s house.

Paramedics arriving as they put Edna on stretcher.

Homer patting Ned on the back.

There there, Flanders. Somehow I feel like this may be my fault.

Quietly angry, Ned turns to look at Homer.

You may have distroyed my life once again.

Homer whimpers as Ned walks toward the ambulance. The ambulance drives away.

cut to:


Ned crying in the lobby. Homer and Marge arrive.

(whispers to Homer)
Ok now remember take it quietly.

(whispers back)
It’s a hospital, not a library Marge..

Hey Neddie! I’m sorry for what happened, is Edna ok?

Oh no-no Marge, your tubby husband here accidentally but still murdered her just like he did to my first wife!

Oh c’mon Flanders it was just an accident.

Yes Ned, Homer might be inconsiderate but I’m sure he didn’t mean to.

Ever since you moved in next Homer, everything in my life has changed for the worse. You are one big walking back luck charm?

Would it really be called “charm” if it’s bad luck?

Ahhh, I’m taking the boys and we’re moving far-far away from you!

Ned walks away.

fade out:

fade in cemetary.

At Edna’s funeral, Bart is making a speech about Ms. K.


I know I’ll definitely miss Ms. K. The way she would reward me detention the way no other teacher would. No other teach can make getting into trouble so fun. The way she understood how we had no interest in things she thought so she would teach it unenthusiastically.

All the bullys look down and cry.

Principal Skinner now making a speech.

Yes, I know for a fact every single staff member of the school will miss Edna. But I-I would always miss her since the day she left me. At least I had some comfort level knowing I can always see her smile somehow. But now all I have is her picture that we see here. Ned you were only lucky guy for stealing my Edna.

Agnus Skinner:
(to herself)
Ugh, what is this, The Notebook?

Mother, I can hear you.

Homer gets up as if he’s walking toward the podium and looks at Ned. Ned gives him a nasty look so Homer sits back down.

Ned walks to the podium.

And just like last time, me and the boys will have to start a new chapter. Except this time, we’ll do it in another town. I don’t think I can bear to risk mine or my boys lifes in this city.

Ned mad dogs Homer.

Edna begins getting burried.

Cut to:


Ned, rod and Tod are placing things in a move out truck.

Marge sees Ned from the window in her kitchen, A depressed Marge walks over to Ned.

Hey Ned..


Ned continues working.

I really hope you didn’t have to move out.

Neither did I but by the events of the last few days, I feel like it’s best for the family.

Can you at least find it in your heart to forgive Homer?

No can do Marge.

Oh please Ned, just give him a chance to be the most sincere Homer he can be. He’s been in his bed all the day.

He’s in bed all day weekends anyway.

Yes except you know he’s depressed because he won’t even argue about how he should sleep some more. He just stays there…quiet.

Fine, I’ll let him give me the last words he’s got.

Oh thank you, Ned. He’ll be out soon.

cut to:

INT.DAY.SIMPSON HOUSE.-homer’s bedroom.


Really? he said that?

Yes Homer, he did.


But Homer…you have to be the most sincere that you can be. Even if you feel like it wasn’t entirely your fault. Just say sorry but say it like you mean it.

Well Marge…I KNOW what sincere means and I’ll have you know that I don’t have a problem with that.

Homer rushes out.

cut to:


Hey Flanders.


Awkward silence.

Nice uhh…truck…good for uhh…carrying…stuff.

Yes, a lot of stuff. Life’s worth of stuff.

Listen Ned..


I really feel bad for your second wife-

Just call her my wife.

I’m really sorry about your wife. I should’ve just let you eat that hot dog then maybe those hot dogs wouldn’t have slipped and neither maybe neither would’ve Edna.

I think this is as sincere as you’re gonna get.

Ned helps the boys to the truck.

Wait Flanders!

What, Homer?!

Homer stays quiet a bit.

Ooooooh. I’m really sorry for being sort of responsible about your wife’s death. But c’mon Ned you shouldn’t be superficial about this and stop being my friend. You-you’re my best friend Flanders and you’re always admirable. Your a great dad to your kids, whom respect you. Unlike my kids so much…lousy Bart. And you’re too strong of a person to let this get a holf you. You were a great single dad back when Maude passed and you could still be one now. You have two great kids who need you to be strong and be the Flanders you’ve always been, the Flanders who I want to be like when I grow up. Which is what I’ve never been able to do, grow up. But I see you and how you carry yourself and I learn each and everyday how to grow up all over again. Don’t move Fladers, Springfield needs you, your kids need you to stay, the church needs you, and most importantly for me I need you.

Homer gets on his knees and puts his hands together.

Please Flanders and I am very sorry.

Marge watching Homer from the kitchen as she starts crying.

Ooh Homer, get up.

Homer gets up.

I already rented the truck, it’ll be ashamed if I use it for nothing at all.

Homer’s brain echoes Flanders saying “Nothing at all.”

Nothint at all!


Why are you repeating that.

Cuz I know it disturbs you. You know I still prefer Springfield much better than Shelbyville?

You were moving to Shelbyville?!

Homer quietly laughs, as he sees Ned noticing so he stops.

Ned does Edna’s siganture “Ha!”.

Homer and Ned laugh.

So listen Ned, if I help you put all your things back in your house and invite you to a movie, will you uhh…you know…stay?

Ned stays quiet.

This is the last week Captain USA is in theatres..

(to Rod and Tod)
Boys, grabs your things and place them back in the house!


Homer offers Ned a hug and Ned hugs back.

cut to:


Homer and Ned sitting eating popcorn waiting for the movie.

You know I only have one question..

Ugh, what is it Flanders.

Who’s Captain USA?

Oh I don’t know! Soome kinda army guy?

You don’t know? But you had a whole week to get to know him. Why didn’t you?

Cuz I was working..

Oh I don’t know about that..

Hey c’mon I thought you said you only had one question.

Ned laughs.

Just doing best friend stuff.


Sound of the movie starting.

Fade out.

Roll Credits.



Rock bands supporting the Democratic Party

September 7, 2012

Dave Grohl performs at the Democratic Convention along with the rest of the Foo Fighters. They performed an acoustic set of “My Hero” and “Walk”

In a crucial time for politics, big rock musicians and bands have been very vocal about who they’ll support this November.

Bands such as Silversun Pickups and R.E.M have expressed their lack of support for conservatives.

“We don’t like people going behind our backs, using our music without asking, and we don’t like the Romney campaign,”  Silversun Pickups frontman Brian Aubert said.

“We have little or no respect for their puff adder brand of reportage,” lead singer Michael Stipe said about Fox News deciding to play R.E.M’s “Losing My Religion” during the Democratic National Convention.

On the day of President Obama’s speech during the DNC, Foo Fighters performed an acoustic set of “My Hero” and “Walk”

“It’s an honor to be here tonight and I think this song makes perfect sense here tonight,” Grohl said before performing “My Hero”.

Foo bassist Nate Mendel wrote an essay on the 90 Days, 90 Reasons website (A site of published essays that support President Obama)

“I believe it’s important to support President Obama’s re-election because, among other reasons, he supports the idea that corporations should be held accountable for their rights through regulation, and should contribute to bringing down the national debt through fair taxation of their profits,” Mendel said.

You can read his essay here.

Soundgarden and Audioslave’s singer Chris Cornell perform a show in Des Moines, Iowa during an Obama rally.

Cornell performed songs like “Hunger Strike”, “Wike Awake” and even covered John Lennon’s “Imagine”.

Pearl Jam bassist and one of the founding members Jeff Ament spoke about Obama during an interview about Pearl Jam’s upcoming album.

“I would be willing to bet that ever member [of Pearl Jam] will vote for Obama,” Ament said.

Watch Pearl Jam performed with rapper Jay-Z here.

Alice In Chains singer William Duvall shared his feelings on Obama speech at the DNC which was during his birthday.

“So PROUD, of our President tonight, His speech was such a great birthday present,” Duvall said.


Decoded’s The/Split is a garage anthem

June 6, 2012

The Los Angeles local band decoded fronted by social media friendly singer Derek Jordan have released its first album, The/Split and it is nothing more than a garage anthem.

The album has four tracks highlighted by “Open Season”.

The song’s sound is a great mixture of Puddle of Mudd and Bush.

Derek Jordan presents  unique vocals that makes decoded’s music unique and makes the songs unforgettable and make you want to hit the “repeat” button.

Another unforgettable track is “Lost No More” and the same with “Open Season” it’s another garage anthem.

The lyrics are very creative and tell a story clearly, which is delivered well by Jordan’s vocals again.

The album is currently free for download in decoded’s website.

To look at upcoming decoded shows you can also visit decoded’s Facebook page.

Or you can just listen to the tracks on this post.

Foo Fighters’ drummer Taylor Hawkins to play Iggy Pop in forthcoming film

June 5, 2012

A forthcoming film called CBGB (after the punk rock hot spot) will star Alan Rickman as owner of CBGB Hilly Kristal.

Other major roles that were casted for was Blondie singer Debbie HerryHow I Met Your Mother hottie Malin Ackerman will portray Herry in the film.

Punk rock legend, Iggy Pop will also be portrayed in the film. The man portraying Iggy will be Foo Fighters’ drummer Taylor Hawkins. This will be Hawkins’ first feature film but is no stranger to acting as he has been part of numerous Foo Fighters’ music videos like “Learn To Fly.” 

Harry Potter’s Rupert Grint is set to also take part in the film, he will play Cheetah Chrome, Dead Boys guitarist.

The film will be released in 2012 but the date is not sure as the film is currently on pre-production.

Against Me! singer’s transition to Laura Jane Grace (A fan’s reaction)

May 29, 2012

I gotta be honest, I didn’t hear of Against Me! since its huge pop when the New Wave album was released back in ’07 and ever since then, I couldn’t stop listening to these guys. But even with the singer’s coming out announcement, I can’t change my opinion at all about their music.

I got curious about its music before New Wave so I went on to listen to ’02’s Against Me! is Reinventing Axl Rose’03’s Against Me! As the Eternal Cowboy ’05’s Searching for Former Clarity.

I even saw them live twice as. Once in ’08 as they opened for my favorite band Foo Fighters at The Forum in LA. The second time was in that same year’s Warped Tour at Carson, Calif.

Against Me! were pretty impressive and awesome live, as usual with punk bands.

The thing I loved best about Against Me! was the amazing raw voice of its their singer (recently known as Tom Gabel).

The song that had me was, “What We Worked For”. 

Against Me!’s latest album was 2010’s White Crosses . The album contained pure punk fun music.

The band is set to release another band called, Transgender Dysphoria Blues which sounds very appropriate as it will be the debut of Laura Jane Grace.

I have yet to listen to music from the album but I wouldn’t expect less from the entire band, well maybe just a softer voice (maybe). But other then that, not much.

So keep rocking, Laura, even without them anymore, you have balls for doing what you’re doing in the mainstream state that you’re in.

Wait, Gotye has OTHER songs?

May 28, 2012

To answer the title yes, Gotye DOES have other songs.

This could go out to all the good old radio stations or to those who only listen to Gotye because of the radio.

I remember driving along and listening to “Somebody That I Used To Know” way before this song hit number one in the Billboards and asking my friend if he knew the name of the song. He didn’t, I didn’t.

I was really interesting in finding the name so I went to the radio station’s website and check the recently played songs tab and searched all the unfamiliar songs until I finally found it. It only took me about 10 minutes.

Slowly but surely, everyone was talking about the song.

Slowly but surely, every station was playing the song over and over again, till as usual, it got annoying.

I searched other Gotye songs to see if he’s just going to be a one-hit wonder.

I found a few good ones, but not as popular as “Somebody That I Used To Know”.

The one song I really liked is called, “Eyes Wide Open,” on which I played in my show, X-Static.

Another good song is, “What Do You Want.”

I guess my point is that this man could be very much a bigger star if a lot more of his music is exposed through media and such.

So get out of the radio station and Billboards and check this going music all over Youtube. Before Gotye becomes somebody that we used to know.

Jack White’s Blunderbuss is no blunderbuss

May 4, 2012

Mr. One-man rock band Jack White’s debut solo album Blunderbuss is a somewhat odd mixture of Led Zeppelin and Elton John.

With the Robert Plant-like vocals and Elton John-like instrumentals of Jack White, the album is easily the most melodic album of Jack White’s career.

The album’s first single, “Love Interruption” is an acoustic duet with former Grammy nominated Ghana singer Ruby Amanfu.

“Love Interruption” has the words “I want love to..” repeated throughout the song but it’s what makes the song catchy and repeatable.

‘Blunderbuss’ is well written acoustic sounding story-like song.

The lyrics are that of a unusual love song.

Of course, that’s nothing new for Jack White in any band he’s in.

“I’m Shakin'” is probably the best song in the album.

The song sounds like a rockabilly blues song from the 60’s and it really makes you want to dance and actually shake it.

The 13 tracked album was compiled differently than other rock albums. It was compiled using guitars, drums, bass, double bass, tambourine, fiddle, pedal steel, mandolin, organ, piano, clarinet and multiple backing vocals.

White had the help of 18 musicians to compile his solo debut album, including former The Racounters bandmate, Patrick Keeler.

Every song in the album has it’s own character thanks to the different instruments and musicians in the songs.

Laugh at the G.O.P

March 31, 2012

Some meme fun of the republican presidential candidates.

A different way to experience a Foo concert

March 9, 2012

If you have never been to a Foo Fighters concert and you call yourself a Rock N Roll fan, you’re obviously missing out.

With all the sing-along hits they play such as Everlong, My Hero, All My Life, Best of You, The Pretender and such it is truly one of the most memorable concert times today.

Kind of luckily, Foos have added a concert experience in their website.

Now that sounds strange in itself, what is even stranger is the fact that it is in cassette form.

Yes, the concert is in cassette form online.

Kind of like a live album, but in cassette…online.

Foos are really attempting to bring back the old times when it was hard to be a musician.

It was a concert recorded in 1995 live from Reading.

This post is mostly to recommend you to take a look at it and so that you can enjoy it and motivate you even more to go to what could be one of the coolest concert in the world!

To take a look at it click here


The Cranberries are just giving ‘Roses’

February 25, 2012

Dolores O’Riordan’s sweet haunting voice is back in The Cranberries’ new album ‘Roses’.

The album begins with a very gentle rhythm in the song, “Conduct”.

With the obvious theme of the song being about a “romantic relationship” it matches with the name of the album, almost as if you’re appropriately handing someone a rose while playing/singing this song.

“Tomorrow” was the first single released by the band.

The song is very uncharacteristic of them because it’s a very happy sounding song, not haunting like their usual stuff.

Dolores has described the song as  “it’s about the way we sometimes hyper over-escalate things in our minds, overthink about things.”

The second single released from the album was “Show Me The Way”.

The title is the chorus for this one as Dolores repeats the title over and over again lacking proof of the songwriting talent she actually does have.

The guitarist and drummer do a great job in in matching with the sensitive vocals throughout the album.

‘Roses’ has 11 tracks and it is beautiful throughout thanks to the sweet sound of Dolores.

The album is also the sixth studio album by the band, it is also its first from a 11-year hiatus.

Click here to listen to the review’s audio version